We are The Poe's. Now a family of 5 through adoption. Here's a peek into our lives. Welcome!


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Whatever it takes!

Okay, so I'm sure it's no surprise that we are sick! Who isn't sick? Is anyone well out there???But no mom can go without her baby! I didn't hold Emily for more than 2 full days! I missed her so much :( Ryan found me this mask in the garage. It looks pretty silly although Emily was fascinated by it. Coincidentally, the mask doesn't block odors as I found out changing my first poopie in days. P.U. But I got to hold my girl and that's the best kind of medicine for me!

One last thing...I have a great husband who's a great father. He's being single handedly playing Mr. Mom since Friday and taking care of me too, so thanks honey. I love you!


BlondesPoopMascara.blogspot.com said...

That mask is hot!!!! I hope you guys are feeling better. We are getting there, I did sleep through the night for the first time in 11nights last night....I woke up feeling incredible. I did go to the doctor to find out I had a bacterial sinus infection...yuck.....but Landon is great, finally!!! Hope to see you soon!

The Liller Family said...

I love the mask too - quite the fashion statement!!! The video of Ryan and Em is cute too. Hope things are going well in St. Louis - didn't get a chance to call you back yesterday, so call me when you get back. Love ya!!!